Downtown Spokane: 201 W. North River Dr. Suite 100 Spokane, Wa 99201

To schedule an appointment, call us at 509-462-7070or click here.

To schedule an appointment, call us or click here.

What you eat can impact your likelihood of getting pregnant. As your body nears ovulation, it needs plenty of B vitamins and other nutrients to support the release of the egg and promote implantation. Some studies have shown that vitamins such as Zinc and Vitamin C may play a role in progesterone production, as well.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are also crucial during the ovulation phase. The best source: omega-3s from fish and fish oil supplements. These EFAs promote blood flow to the uterus and support the opening of the follicle to release the egg. Fish oil can increase blood circulation and boost the natural testosterone in a woman’s body. During ovulation, fill your plate with leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, meat, fish and lots of water. Water plays a key role in transporting hormones and developing follicles. It also helps thin out cervical mucus, which may make it a little easier for sperm to reach the egg.

You’ll want to avoid acidic foods like coffee, alcohol, meat and processed foods, which may make your cervical mucus hostile to sperm. If you’re ovulating, serve up some salmon and brown rice with a side of sautéed greens for dinner tonight. You can also add a bowl of berries and a little dark chocolate for dessert… romantic and delicious!

For many of us women, holiday parties and events will include conversations with the prying friend or family member asking questions about when we plan to have a baby. Depending on the inquisitor, you may choose to share or keep your choice to pursue fertility treatment private. Either way, the team at Center for Reproductive Health has compiled a few graceful (and perhaps humorous!) responses to get you through the small talk over eggnog.





Since your fertility is your business, you can choose what to share. If you’re feeling bombarded with questions, consider sharing your concerns with your partner and perhaps they can help you change the subject during uncomfortable conversations. At Center for Reproductive Health, you can connect with professionals and other local women who understand what you may be going through. We can help you obtain community or counseling services with fertility treatment.

If you have more questions, contact us today.